Bonking on the The Weekly Sort-of-Long Run

  • 19.40 km Distance
  • 2:14:39 Moving Time
  • 6:56 /km Pace

Was supposed to be a 30K easy run.
But at 16K i bonked!
It was my own fault.
I was supposed to run at 10, but due to that I had to help my son, I didn’t sety off until 13.
I should have eaten something before, I know. But I wasn’t hungry and was only going to run easy.
But no!
So at 16K I bonked and had to walk for 4K back to my car.
Writing this is four hours later and I have to admit that the bonking was harder on me than I wanted.
Still feeling a bit flat even after having had some food and water and a cup of tea and a cup of coffee and some water.
Good thing was, the weather was really good.
Sunny, no wind, around 10 degr. C.
Ran in shorts and even when I bonked I didn’t have a problem with getting cold.
One of those runs…