Royal Run 2024

A week of sickness up until thursday and a weightloss of 4 kg (!), made it difficult to be as ready for the Royal Run as I wanted.
But on that background and that I in the trainings in the few days before the race, didn’t have any speed in my legs, I’m actually satisfied with the result.
The “strange” thing is, that 43.13 (also the official timing) is EXACTELY the same time as I had on my last years Royal Run 2023.
Officially I ran 43.53 last year, so I was faster even if I had been sick so close to the raceday.
Before the race, I ate a banana one hour before race-start, sipped water from two hours before the race and had hydrated during the day.
45 minutes before the start, I sipped on my Ginseng/energygel/beet root/cola mix.
Half an hour before start I took a gel, and twenty minutes before I took a gel, a caffein tablet and a “instant energy Ginseng”.
It was a hot and sunny day, but thanks to the late startingtime at 19.00, the temperature was only a minor issue.
I choose to place my self in a slower startgroup than originally planned and that turned out to be a good plan.
Mostly I advanced forward through the runners and managed to find individuals I could be paced by.
5K in 21.14 I’m happy with.
Didn’t take water before the last depot at around 7K, and then mainly to cool my legs.
HR was mostly on 92% of MaxHR and had some spikes up to 94%.
Didn’t have any fueling issues during or after the race.
I’m happy with the result.
Now the 80K awaits!