Soul Trail 2024 CUP3

The weather was delightful, hinting at early spring. With the temperature at a cozy +8°C, I happily ran in my short tights and even shed the windbreaker after warming up on the first 3K lap.

Though the route presented its challenges with an array of ups and downs and stretches of sand, it was a relief to find no ice and hardly a spot of mud.
From the start, I felt like I needed 10% energy.
Breathing hard all the way from start to finish.

The camaraderie on/off the track was heartwarming as usual, with everybody exuding friendliness and keeping the spirits high with pleasant chatter. It’s undeniable that people make these events special.

And I can’t help but express my immense gratitude to the organizers and the volunteers—their efforts are the linchpin of such a flawless experience.

Today’s run marks a jubilant farewell to my 60th year; I couldn’t have asked for a better closure.

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