Letting Run 21.1K + 7K

28.04 km Distance

2:36:05 Time

5:34 /km Average tempo

1,981 Calories

Always nice to meet up with the people running these Letting Runs 🙂
Weather was perfect.
I started with two laps at medium to temporun speed and then the last run at allmost full out what I can do on a 7K after having run 14K first.
Also because I had a runner very close behind me 🙂
He broke down on the last 7K and had to walk a couple of times.
I finished the 21.1K in 1.46.14.
And the I ran the last 7K.
Well, sort of, because me legs had no energy, my body had no energy.
Walked a lot!
And got cold and was hungry.
I just broke down and was finished…
It’s not that it ruins training, as I had perfect training on the previous 21K.
The last 7K’s are just for building endurance and stamina.
I finished the needed distance.